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Lengkap! 231 Data Kontaminan terhadap Karbon Aktif

Berikut adalah kompilasi dari 231 kontaminan dan hubungannya terhadap karbon aktif.
  • E = excelent = dapat diserap dengan sangat baik oleh karbon aktif; setiap pon karbon aktif menyerap rata-rata 33% - 1/3 dari berat senyawa
  • G = good = dapat diserap cukup baik / memuaskan oleh karbon aktif; setiap pon karbon aktif menyerap rata-rata 16,7% - 1/6 dari berat senyawa
  • TA = tanya Ady Water untuk mengetahui
Senyawa Kemampuan Serap Senyawa Kemampuan Serap
Acetaldehyde TA Hydrogen cyanide G
Acetic Acid E Hydrogen fluoride TA
Acetic anhydride E Hydrogen iodide G
Acetone G (PDF) Hydrogen selenide TA
Acetylene TA Hydrogen sulfide G
Acrolem G Incensen E
Acrylic Acid E Indole E
Acrylonitrile E Iodine E
Alcoholic Beverages E Iodoform E
Amines F Irritants E
Ammonia TA Isophorone E
Ameyl acetate E Isoprene G
Amyl alcohol E Isopropyl acetate E
Amyl ether E Isopropyl aclcohol E (PDF)
Aniline E Isopropyl ether E
Asphalt fumes E Kerosene E
Automobile Exhaust G Kitchen odors E
Benzene E Lactic acid E
Body odors E Menthol E
Borane G Mercaptans E
Bromine E Methane TA
Burned Flesh E Methil acetate G
Burned Food E Menthyl acrylate E
Butadiene G Methyl alcohol G
Butane TA Methyl bromide G
Butanone E Methyl butyl ketone E
Butyl acetate E Methyl cellosolve E
Butyl alcohol E Methyl cellosolve acetate E
Butyl cellosolve E Methyl chloride G
Butyl chloride E Methyl chloroform E
Butyl ether E Methyl ether G
Butylene TA Methyl ethyl ketone E (PDF)
Butyne TA Methyl formate G
Butyraldehyde G Methyl isobutyl ketone E
Butyric acid E Methyl mercaptan E
Camphor E Methylcyclohexane E
Caprylic acid E Methylcyclohexanol E
Carbolic acid E Methylcyclohexaone E
Carbon disulfide E Methylene chloride E (PDF)
Carbon dioxide TA Monochlorobenzene TA
Carbon monoxide TA Monofluorotri cloromethane E
Carbon tetrachloride E Naphtha E
Cellosolve E Naphthziene E
Cellosolve acetate E Nitric acid G
Cheese E Nitro benzenes E
Chorine G Nitroethane E
Chlorobenzene E Nitrogen dioxide TA
Chlorobutadiene E Nitroglycerine E
Chloroform E Nitromethane E
Chloronitropropane E Nitropropane E
Chloropicrin E Nitrotoluene E
Citrus and other fruits E Nonane E
Cleaning compounds E Octalene E
Coal smoke G Octane E
Creosote E Onions E
Cresol E Organic Chemicals E
Crotonaldehyde E Ozone E
Cychlohexane E Packing house odors E
Cyclohexanol E Paint & redecorating odors E
Cyclohexanol E Palmitic Acid E
Cyclohexene E Paradichlorbenzine E
Decane E Pantane G
Dibromoethane E Pentanone E
Dichlorobenzene E Pentylene G
Dichlorodifluoromethane G Pentyne G
Dichloroethane E Perchloroethylene E
Dichloroethylene E Perfumes, cosmetics E
Dichloroethyl E Phenol E
Dichloromonofluormethane G Phosgene G
Dichloronitroethane E Pitch E
Dichloroprpane E Poison gases G
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane E Pollen G
Diesel fumes E Popcorn and candy E
Diethylamine G Poultry odors E
Diethyl ketone E Propane TA
Dimethylaniline E Propionaldehyde G
Dimethylsulfate E Propionic acid E
Dioxane E Propyl acetate E
Diproyl ketone E Propyl alcohol E
Ethane TA Propyl chloride E
Ether G (PDF) Propyl ether E
Ethyl acetate E Propyl mercaptan E
Ethyl acrylate E Propylene F
Ethyl alcohol E Propyne TA
Ethyl amine G Putrefying substances G
Ethyl benzene E Putrescine E
Ethyl bromide E Pyridine E
Ethyl chloride G Resins E
Ethyl ether G (PDF) Rubber E
Ethyl formate G Sauerkraut E
Ethyl mercaptan G Sewer odors E
Ethyl silicate E Skalote E
Ethylene TA Slughtering odors G
Ethylene chlorhydrin E Smog E
Ethylene dichloride E Sour milks E
Ethylene oxide G Stoddard sovent E
Essential oils E Styrene monomer E
Eucalyptole E Sulfur dioxide TA
Fertilizer E Sulfur trioxide G
Film processing odors G Sulfuric acid E
Fish odors E Tetrachloroethane E
Floral scents E Tetrachloroethylene E
Fluorotrichloromethane G Tobacco smoke odor E
Formaldehyde G (PDF) Toilet odors E
Formic acid G Toluene E (PDF)
Gangrene E Toluidine E
Garlic E Trichlorethylene E
Gasoline E Trichloroethane E
Heptane E Turpentine E
Heptylene E Urea TA
Hexane G Uric acid E
Hexylene G Valeric acid E
Hexyne G Valericaldehyde E
Hydrogen TA Varnish fumes E
Hydrogen bromide G Xylene E (PDF)
Hydrogen chloride TA '- '-

Karbon aktif yang optimum adalah salah satunya karbon aktif Calgon. Beruntung Anda, karena Ady Water menjual karbon aktif Calgon di Indonesia



Produk KARBON AKTIF dan media filter yang Ady Water jual memiliki fungsi untuk PENJERNIHAN / PENYARINGAN AIR, bukan untuk tujuan:
1. Obat-obatan
2. Bahan peledak
3. Bahan berbahaya

Segala penyalahgunaan produk diluar tujuan sebenarnya bukan merupakan tanggungjawab ADY WATER.