Harga Portable Conductivity Meter | Penjelasan Conductivity Meter
Di Artikel ini Anda akan mendapatkan informasi mengenai:
1. Conductivity Meter Adalah
2. Jenis Conductivity Meter
a. Pocket Digital
b. Portable Digital
3. Merek Conductivity Meter
a. Apera Instruments ZenTest® PC60-Z
b. Hanna Instruments HI-98304
c. Lutron WA-2017SD
d. Hanna Instruments HI-8633/HI-8733
e. Apera Instruments PH700 Benchtop pH Meter Kit
1. Conductivity Meter
Conductivity (Konduktivitas) adalah kemampuan suatu larutan dalam menghantarkan arus listrik.
Jadi, nilai conductivity (konduktivitas) akan menunjukkan konsentrasi ion dalam larutan.
Contoh yang paling mudah:
Coba buat larutan garam dan larutan gula. Kemudian coba tes konduktivitas keduanya.
Konduktivitas larutan garam dibandingkan air mula-mula akan meningkat dikarenakan adanya penambahan garam yang jika dilarutkan dalam air, dimana garam akan terurai menjadi ion-ionnya.
Dengan kata lain, ion-ionnya bertambah, maka kemampuan menghantar arus listrik juga bertambah.
Nah, sekarang coba ukur pada larutan gula. Tidak ada perubahan konduktivitas pada larutan gula dibandingkan konduktivitas air mula-mula. Karena gula tidak dapat terurai menjadi ion di dalam air.
2. Jenis Conductivity Meter
2a. Pocket Digital
2a1. Apera Instruments ZenTest® PC60-Z
pH Range -2.00 to 16.00 pH
Accuracy ±0.01 pH±1 digit
Calibration 1 to 3 points Auto. Calibration (recognizes 5 types of standards)
mV Range ±1000 mV
Accuracy ±0.2% F.S
Conductivity (EC) Range 0 to 20.0 mS/cm
Accuracy ±1% F.S
Calibration 1 to 3 points Auto. Calibration
TDS Range 0 ppm to 10.0 ppt (10,000 ppm)
TDS Factor 0.4 tp 1.0
Salinity Range 0 to 10.0 ppt (10,000 ppm)
Resistivity Range 50Ω·cm to 20MΩ·cm
Temperature Range 0 to 50˚C (32 to 122˚F)
Others Application
General water solutions
Soft solid samplings
Flat surface& small-volume liquid
Temp. Compensation
Automatic 0 to 50˚C (32 to 122˚F)
IP Rating IP67 Waterproof and Dustproof
Power Supply DC3V AAA batteries *4
Compatible Probes All
Alarm Function Yes (customizable in ZenTest App)
Automatic Hold Yes (5 to 20 seconds, customizable in ZenTest App)
Calibration Reminder Yes (by hours/days, customizable in ZenTest App)
ZenTest App Functions (Bluetooth, iOS/Android) Four Display Modes Yes
Cloud Data Management Yes
Smart Self- Diagnosis Yes
Step-by-step calibration guide Yes
2a2. Hanna Instruments HI-98304 Conductivity Tester
• Range 20.00 mS/cm
• Resolution 0.01 mS/cm
• Accuracy ±2% F.S.
• Calibration Automatic, 1 point
• Temperature automatic, 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
• Battery Type CR2032 3V Li-ion/approx. 250 hours
• Environment 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); RH max 100%
• Dimensions 160 x 40 x 17 mm (6.3 x 1.6 x 0.7")
• Weight 75g
2b. Portable Digital
2b1. Lutron WA-2017SD pH/ORP, DO, CD/TDS, Salt Meter
· Real time data recorder, save the data into the SD memory card and can be download to the Excel, extra software is no need.
· Multi-function: pH/ORP, Conductivity/TDS, Dissolved oxygen, Salt.
· pH: 0 to 14.00 pH.
· ORP (mV): 1,999 mV.
· Conductivity: 200 uS/2 mS/20 mS/200 mS.
· TDS: 200/2,000/20,000/200,000 PPM.
· Salt: 0 to 12.0% salt (% weight).
· Dissolved oxygen: 0 to 20.0 mg/L.
· ATC (automatic temperature compensation).
· Data hold, Record (Max., Min.).
· RS232/USB computer interface.
· Optional electrode: pH electrode, ORP electrode, CD/TDS/SALT probe, Dissolved oxygen probe, pH ATC probe (TP-07).
· Patent: Taiwan, China, Japan, Germany, USA pending.
2b2. Hanna Instruments HI-8633/HI-8733 Multi-range Conductivity Meter
· The HI-8633 is a conductivity meter that has been designed for use in areas of production and quality control.
· This meter utilises four ring potentiometric probes that offer greater versatility over typical amperometric designs. These rugged probes are made of PVC - ideal for indoor, as well as outdoor measurements.
· Temperature compensation for the HI-8633N is performed by manual adjustment.
Key features
· Four ring potentiometric probe
· On-screen operation guide
· Multiple scales cover a wide range
2b3. Apera Instruments PH700 Benchtop pH Meter Kit
pH Measuring Range (0 to 14.00) pH
Resolution 0.1/0.01 pH
Accuracy ±0.01 pH ±1 digit
Stability ±0.01 pH/3h ±1 digit
Temperature Compensation 0 to 100°C (32 to 212°F) Auto or Manual
Calibration 1 to 3 points auto calibration
mV Measuring Range ±1999 mV
Resolution 1 mV
Accuracy ±0.1% F.S ±1 digit
Temperature Measuring Range 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F)
Resolution 0.1°C; 0.1/1?F
Accuracy ±0.5°C±1 digit
Data Storage
50 groups
Storage Content
Numbering, measurements, unit, temperature, and status of temperature compensation
Power Supply Input: 120V AC 60Hz;
Output: DC9V/300mA, 2.7VA
IP Rating IP54 splash-proof and dust-proof
Dimensions and Weight
(9.5*9.3*4) inches / 2.2 pounds;
With case: (12*10*5) inches / 3 pounds
3. Merek Conductivity Meter Yang Dijual
3a. ZenTest® PC60-Z Smart Multi-Parameter Pocket Tester Kit

3b. Hanna Instruments HI-98304 Conductivity Tester

3c. Lutron WA-2017SD pH/ORP, DO, CD/TDS, Salt Meter

3d. Hanna Instruments HI-8633/HI-8733 Multi-range

3e. Apera Instruments PH700 Benchtop pH Meter Kit